
Lovely sunny afternoon...I'm so glad I have a laptop!  Now I can blog on the grass in the sun while listening to worship music in Mandarin.  Can life get any better?  I submit it cannot!

Since a group of Taiwanese students arrived late last night, they had to stay behind and do placement tests while the other kids went off to their English classes.  After the test, Matt and I took them on a tour of the campus (like we did for the first batch of kids).  Thanks to these two tours, I have changed my opinion of...roses.  

Yes, roses.  I've never really liked roses.  I mean, if someone were to give me a rose (or a bouquet of roses), I would receive it/them graciously, and appreciate the thought behind them.  But they are not my kind of flowers.  I like wild flowers (among which, ironically, wild roses rank very high on my list of preferred flowers!).  I remember a number of summers ago I was rather obsessed with the story of Beauty and the Beast and read several different versions/variations of the story.  All VERY different and all VERY good.  One of them was told from the perspective of The Beast, an unfortunate Persian prince who was turned into a lion and as such was chased from his kingdom.  This particular prince loved roses above all other flowers and had a huge rose garden back in Persia that he had spent many many hours working in.  I never understood this obsession of his.  Until now.

Here on the university campus there is a rose garden.  I'll admit I groaned inwardly when I saw we were going in...but inside it's so pretty!  So many shades of red, pink, orange, yellow...and the SMELL!  Sun-kissed roses in a slight breeze....

Maybe not quite as close to Heaven as the smell of pineapples, but it's definitely up there!

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Anonymous said...

Why didn't I hear that version of Beauty and the Beast? Hope you have some good memories. I hope to see or hear from you soon.

Amanda Quiring said...

Never thought of that before, but, you're right - pineapple is one of the most amazing smells!!! ...and real, old-fashioned roses. The store-bought ones smell like cardboard, but in the garden...mmmm... glad you experienced it!

Karen Johnson said...

Yesterday I got to eat incredible pineapple, and it was glorious!! Roses, although not my favorite flower, they still are beautiful. Today however I am enjoying the scent of sweet peas wafting thru the kitchen. Sweet!

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About Me

I was born and I will die. I eat, breath, sleep, talk, and periodically raise my voice. For a little variation I read, watch movies, and walk on the beach. I am a Christian, a Canadian, and a homeschool graduate. When it rains I stare at the windshield wipers and get mad when the wipers move a little too fast for the stream of water that is desperately trying to get away. When it's sunny I walk down to the beach and think about amnesiacs washing up on the shore. When it snows I stay inside with a book and curl up in a blanket. I like CSI Las Vegas, Criminal Minds, and Firefly. I like dark chocolate and dandelions and daisies and wild roses. And RED.
