"Never have your dog stuffed"

I've tried writing a few blogs over the years...some a little more successful than others...but I really haven't done it for a while. And I miss it. I considered reviving one of the old ones, but that just didn't feel right. Life is so different from what it was when I wrote them, and I think I just need to start fresh again. It reminds me of the title of Alan Alda's autobiography I read a few years ago: Never Have Your Dog Stuffed. The idea behind that is to recognize that there are different seasons throughout life, and it is not good to hold on to past seasons but to embrace the one we are currently in. So, this blog is just a part of my attempt to do that.


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Karen Johnson said...

Yes, live in the Now rather than the past.

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About Me

I was born and I will die. I eat, breath, sleep, talk, and periodically raise my voice. For a little variation I read, watch movies, and walk on the beach. I am a Christian, a Canadian, and a homeschool graduate. When it rains I stare at the windshield wipers and get mad when the wipers move a little too fast for the stream of water that is desperately trying to get away. When it's sunny I walk down to the beach and think about amnesiacs washing up on the shore. When it snows I stay inside with a book and curl up in a blanket. I like CSI Las Vegas, Criminal Minds, and Firefly. I like dark chocolate and dandelions and daisies and wild roses. And RED.
